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Style 4

The Individualist

How the Gospel Applies to You

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Summary of Style Four

As Individualists, Fours desire to live a richly creative life. They see themselves as unique. They are talented at discerning what is truly authentic and they appreciate beauty in the world around them. They long to use their intuition and imagination to inspire others.


Fours are witty, passionate and romantic. They use their introspective nature to understand and express their feelings and moods. They are also sensitive, empathetic and compassionate to feelings and moods of others. They will engage in provocative conversations, exploring mixed motives, differences and conflicts with honesty. They desire deep connections with others and enrich their relationships with an energy and enthusiasm for life.


Fours express themselves freely and artistically--through their dress, language and in how they decorate their personal spaces.


The Individualists remind us of God’s creativity and depth.


Motivation & False Belief

Fours are motivated by the desire for significance and they want to be unique. Fours long to be true to themselves and to creatively express who they are. They want to stand out and to be seen as special. This motivation is driven by their fear of being seen as ordinary and uninspiring.


While they greatly desire to be significant and unique, they have developed a false belief that they must be utterly original and stand out.

God is calling you to live not for your significance but from Christ's significance.

The Gospel Applied to You

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While all spiritual doctrine is essential for Fours, many find comfort in meditating upon the Christian doctrines of “Imago Dei” and another called “expiation.” The doctrine of “Imago Dei” means that we are each uniquely made in the image of God. And the doctrine “expiation” is based on the fact that Christ’s work completely removes and puts away the sins of believers. Because of this, we are forgiven of our sin, cleansed of our shame and once again restored to a beautiful reflection of God.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Psalms 103:12, Micah 7:19 and Hebrews 9:14.


You might find it helpful to practice the following “self-talk” to remind yourself of the implications of the gospel in your life:

  • In God alone I am complete.

  • I am sinful. My envy to have what others have is a trap that leads to hopelessness.

  • Jesus has taken the punishment of both my sin and the sin done against me. He cleanses me completely.

  • Because of Jesus, I am fully forgiven every day.

  • I do not have to try to be unique and different because I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

  • I am free to live, love and forgive by the grace of God.

  • The world may not see me as significant, but the One who judges says that I am. It is through the cross of Jesus that I am made significant and valued.


The Gospel Enneagram is a ministry program of People Launching.

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