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Leader Training

Leading people to Jesus with the Enneagram just got easier. 

We Exist to Equip You!

If you are a church leader, spiritual director, HR specialist or counselor, we offer advanced coach training that will add value, depth and effectiveness to your work. It's perfect for any professional that coaches individuals, teams and organizations.


Certified Coach Training. Through this training, you'll gain insight into an individual's level of spiritual health, relationship patterns and spiritual disciplines for each specific Enneagram style. This training includes advanced online courses and personal one-on-one mentoring with one of our staff to boost your results. We will provide access to over 65 videos on all 9 styles and how to coach each Enneagram style. You'll receive a relational assessment for coaching couples or mangers and subordinates. 


All Access Pass. This enrolls you in our Certified Coach Training plus gives you access to everything we have online. This includes reports on all Enneagram styles, a customizable PowerPoint presentation and workbook for leading groups and seminars on your own.

Coaching to Start Your Own Enneagram Initiative. Because we are ministry that primarily specializes in launching new ministries, we regularly provide one-on-one coaching to people who are starting their own Enneagram business or ministry. Email us to start the conversation!

The Gospel Enneagram is a ministry program of People Launching.

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